Global NFT Certification Authority

팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.
Bring your unique and original NFT asset to us,
to register and obtain official authentification.
We provide authentification service globally, which turn images and video clips
owned by individuals, corporates and organizations into official NFT assets.
Bring your unique and original NFT asset to us,
to register and obtain official authentification.
Blockchanize and turn your unique asset into the one and
only NFT, using our complete storing technique.
Bring your unique and original NFT asset to us,
to register and obtain official authentification.
Can be applied on platforms that allow transactions using officially
authenticated NFT and stored in private NFT bank in up to 50 years.
Member Introduction
NFT authentification Status
Contact us
Head Office
Global NFT Certification Authority
Asia-Pacific Head Office
INFLIN Co., Ltd.
5F, 17, Teheran-ro 57-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
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